
Ecological sustainability as a focus in apprenticeship training

In order to live sustainability and not just talk about it, we need to change our behavioral patterns. Both companies and each individual are equally challenged here. In order for this transformation to succeed, the first step is to create the necessary knowledge. For this reason, a program was developed that permanently integrates ecological sustainability into apprenticeship training.

The schedule

In addition to information events on the subject of the climate crisis, the focal points of nutrition, mobility and sustainable energy were defined. A focus is set in each apprenticeship year and implemented using various formats. In addition to keynotes from experts, there are also workshops in which you can become active yourself, as well as joint projects with which you can experience the effectiveness of your own actions.

Compared to a higher education school, there is little time and space for content outside of subject-specific training. This program provides time to appropriately incorporate the topic of sustainability here as well.

1st year of apprenticeship

In the first year of the apprenticeship, an introduction to the topic of "climate change" is offered in the form of a lecture or a keynote in order to create a content-based basis and a uniform level of knowledge for the apprentices. Subsequently, the focus is on the area of ​​"nutrition". The apprentices have the opportunity to cook for themselves several times a week. The "Sustainable Cooking" workshop focuses on the topics of organic, regionality and meat consumption when cooking. The final event is a cooking competition in which the apprentices can showcase the cooking skills they have learned.

  • Impulse lecture or keynote with facts about climate change

  • Workshop "Sustainable Cooking"

  • Closing event, possibly cooking competition

2st year of apprenticeship

Most of the trainees get their driver's license during their apprenticeship. In the second year of training, the focus is accordingly on the area of ​​mobility and the transformation towards more sustainable mobility behavior (e-mobility, carpooling, use of public transport). In addition to workshops and lectures, formats with a high fun and gamification factor are also being considered here.

  • Keynote speech on mobility and transformation

  • Workshop "How to achieve more sustainable mobility"

  • Challenge on individual mobility behavior

3st year of apprenticeship

For the apprentices of an energy supply company, the topic of sustainable energy production is of central interest. Accordingly, the 3rd year of the apprenticeship is all about sustainable energy management and climate protection. Which innovations (renewable energies), which political decisions and which social conditions are necessary for this? These are central questions that the apprentices are dealing with this year. The topic of "greenwashing" is also a focal point. The aim is to explain terms and create facts in order to make decisions for an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy supply.

  • Impulse lecture or keynote with facts about the energy industry & greenwashing

  • Workshop "Sustainability in the Energy Industry"

  • Closing event, e.g. Design day upcycling

Possible modules

Keynote speech on climate change

"Climate Change - Facts versus Fake and Fiction" by and with Marcus Wadsak.

Cooking workshop & competition

Organic, regional and low-meat cooking with the PUR cooking school, including a competition.

The art of excuses

Keynote & discussion with Thomas Brudermann about how climate-friendly behavior can succeed

My mobility behavior

Illumination of the different mobility variants with regard to the effects (money, time, CO2 footprint).

Save CO2: klimathon

Save CO42 for 2 days and track the savings using the 2Zero app.

Design day upcycling

Upcycling of e-waste together with heidenspass or ZweckZwei.

Circular Economy Workshop

What is circular economy and the potential opportunities for the energy industry.

Driving safety course e-car

Experience and try out the differences between fossil drives and e-mobility.

The enablers

In order to be able to anchor such a program in the long term, you need ideas, the will and courage to implement them, as well as content and professional competence.

The program was developed by Barbara Hütter and Karin Pirolt from next-incubator. They had the idea and the head of technical training, Alexander Krampl, made the time and resources available to turn the idea into reality. The individual modules are developed together and this results in a toolbox with a wide variety of formats that can be opened as required. The aim is to provide 3-3 suitable formats for the 5 main topics mobility, nutrition and sustainable energy production. In this way, the people involved in the training can choose from a wide range every year and offer something suitable for the respective group.

Alexander Krampl

Head of technical training, Energie Steiermark

Barbara Huetter

Project manager "Sustainability Changemakers Program"

Karin Pirolt

Project manager "Sustainability Changemakers Program"

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