
For an intelligent and sustainable heat supply of the future

One in four houses in Austria is already supplied via heating networks – making them more flexible is the aim of the ThermaFLEX lead project. A consistent integration of renewable energies and waste heat into the heating networks of the future would not only improve the air quality in cities, but also avoid significant amounts of CO2 emissions, increase security of supply and protect consumers from rising oil and gas prices in the long term.

What you should know

The innovation

Within the flagship region "GreenEnergyLab", the ThermaFLEX flagship project focuses on increasing energy flexibility and the resulting reduction in CO2 emissions in the district heating sector. In order to develop such alternative energy sources for heating networks in the future, the Climate and Energy Fund, financed with funds from the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, started the ThermaFLEX lead project at the beginning of the year.

The aim of the four-year project is to develop strategies for making heating networks more flexible in order to increase the proportion of CO2-free heat. And this is exactly where ThermaFLEX comes in, which is managed by the Austrian research institute AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC).

27 project partners from the energy industry and research as well as technology providers are working on the identification, the simulation-supported planning, evaluation and selection as well as the implementation in combination with detailed monitoring and the resulting optimization of flexibility measures in eight work packages and will implement seven demonstration plants for the next four years Support the flexibilization of heating networks.


of innovation

  • Optimization of heating networks

  • CO2 emission reductions in the district heating sector

  • Increase in energy flexibility

We'll keep you up to date

Project status: "Ongoing"

Contact person: Mathias Schaffer

We shape the future

Support from Next-Incubator

As a subsidiary of Energie Steiermark, the next-incubator has in-depth know-how in the field of energy efficiency in the field of district heating. It is precisely with this expertise that the next-incubator accompanies the ThermaFLEX research project.