
Visualization of the vision for mobility in 2050

Development and outline of different future visions for the mobility of tomorrow.

What you should know

The innovation

One thing is for sure, there is still a lot to change in the area of ​​mobility. In order to be sustainable, the mobility of tomorrow must be digital, networked and ecological. However, there are many different ways how this can look like.

That is why the next-incubator, together with Reinhard Gussmagg, held individual workshops with experts and stakeholders in the field of mobility. Their individual visions for #mobility2050 were presented visually. The finished visualizations were then presented at a network meeting.

Thanks to the following participants:
– Franz Prettenthaler, Joanneum Research
– Tom Rath, Bike Citizens
– Gerfried Freimuth, Magna
– Think Tank, Creative Industries Styria (10 people)
– Energie Steiermarkkunden GmbH- mobility and infrastructure coordination (4 people)


of innovation

  • Development of new ideas in the field of mobility

  • Getting to know different perspectives

  • Reflection on needs for a promising mobility solution

We'll keep you up to date

Project Status: "Completed"

Contact person: Christa Kloibhofer

We shape the future

Support from Next-Incubator

As a subsidiary of Energie Steiermark, the next-incubator has in-depth know-how in the field of mobility and future technologies. It is precisely with this expertise that the next-incubator accompanies the #mobility2050 project to assess the change in mobility with different innovators in this area.