What's next


The podcast "What's next" by next-incubator about sustainable innovations and ideas that the world needs. Christa Kloibhofer-Krampl goes in search of answers as to how our world can continue.


17 myths about sustainability that are simply wrong

Who is to blame for poverty? Does the climate crisis affect everyone equally? And is there actually enough renewable energy for everyone? Together with experts, our host Christa uncovers 17 common myths about the SDGs - which you have probably believed until now.

The episodes appear every 2 weeks on all common audio streaming platforms. Do you have any questions, ideas or feedback? Then please write to us: [email protected]


#1: Work vs. Poverty

“Just go to work so you don’t have to be poor anymore”

A saying that people affected by poverty often hear. In Austria, 15% of people are affected by poverty.

In the first episode, activist and author Daniela Brodesser talks to Christa Kloibhofer-Krampl about her experiences with poverty-related exclusion, shame and hopelessness.
In an honest conversation with someone affected, you will learn how schoolchildren already experience stigmatization, how poverty can affect anyone, and why “well-intentioned savings tips” almost always go down the wrong path.

Listen in and help us debunk myths about poverty.
If you liked the episode, we would be happy if you tell your friends about it!
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6 ways to an equal society

The second season of What's Next is all about ways to create an equal society. Our host Christa Kloibhofer-Krampl invited communication and inclusion expert Heidemarie Egger as co-host to discuss the topic and possible solutions with her and exciting guests.

The episodes appear every 2 weeks on all common audio streaming platforms. Do you have any questions, ideas or feedback? Then please write to us: [email protected]

Cover photo podcast, 2 women smiling into the camera

#6: Remove barriers

Cover photo for episode 6, woman sitting in front of a microphone

What is it like to be constantly confronted with barriers as a woman with disabilities? Why does real inclusion fail in Austria? In the sixth episode of our podcast, our co-host Heidemarie Egger is brought in front of the curtain with the answers to all questions about inclusion.
Heidi is a long-time expert and trainer for inclusive public relations and women with disabilities. In a lively exchange, she explains what it takes to remove barriers and promote talent - whether on a political or economic level.


#5: Generations

Cover photo episode 5, 2 women talking

With cake to combat loneliness and poverty in old age – is it that easy?
This is what Julia Krenmayr tells us about the full board, THE Viennese generation café. Together with co-hosts Heidi & Christa, the founder of the restaurant talks about how she turned baking cakes into a political statement. 🗣️ The social impact is obvious; Instead of a growing gap between old and young, the café has created a dialogue between generations and a way out of the monetary and contact poverty of seniors. 🍰


#4: Anti-racism

Cover photo episode 4, smiling man

What does “ethnic diversity” actually mean? Are people of other ethnic backgrounds really disadvantaged in professional life? How can you be an Ally and support people of other ethnic backgrounds? How racism is deeply rooted in our system and why being non-racist is not enough; Ramazan Yildiz from ZARA (civil courage and anti-racism work) discusses this with the two CO hosts.


#3: Social Class

Cover photo episode 3, 2 women talking while walking

Brigitte Theißl is a senior editor at the feminist magazine an.schläge, Freie at DieSTANDARD and most recently published the book called “Klassenreise” on social origins. To this day, the topic of poverty and class is stigmatized and is a marginal topic not only in society but also in the media. What awareness work is needed and how much growing up in a low-income household shapes your later life - the expert explains this and much more in this episode.


#2: Gender and Prejudice

Cover photo episode 2, illustration of a mixing console

Luka is 17 years old, an apprentice and a trans man. In an interview, he talks about the prejudices he is confronted with because of his gender, what he would like from his fellow human beings and where companies can also start to get involved in LGBTIQA+ issues and become Allies.


#1: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Cover photo episode 1, 2 women stand leaning against a wall, smiling

What is this 'trend' all about? What is this really about and what can companies do to advance the issues within themselves?


video podcast

11 ideas for a better world

The first season of What's next is all about ideas for a better world and the people behind these ideas who live and implement the visions every day.

Christa Kloibhofer-Krampl talks to data activist David Jablonski, Markta.at-Founder Theresa Imre, Verena Kassar from Das Gramm and Anna Pribil from Psychologists for Future. The episodes appear every 2 weeks on Thursdays on all common audio streaming platforms. Do you have any questions, ideas or feedback? Then please write to us: [email protected]

#11: Social Business

A conversation with Michael Kleinbichler, Managing Director of the magdas Hotel, and Ziad Rabeh, Head of Reception, about the operation, the project and why every person is valuable.

#10: Shaping the mobility of the future

How can we make the mobility of the future more diverse, innovative and environmentally friendly? A conversation with mobility expert Lina Mosshammer (Women in Mobility & dot before dot).

#9: An inclusive society

Susanne Maurer-Aldrian, Alex Mseddi and Nima Valinezhad from Lebenshilfe - Soziale Diensten about what inclusion actually means and why ecological sustainability needs social sustainability.

#8: Bringing the climate crisis to the media

How strong is the role of social media in relation to the climate crisis? Our host Christa Kloibhofer-Krampl talks about this and more with Verena Mischitz, video journalist at derStandard.at.

#7: Encourage young people

What do young people who do not fit into any known pattern need? And why is there often a lack of understanding and trust in young people? An interview with Silvia Jölli from heidenspass.

#6: Fair fashion & why organic is not always fair

What is the difference between organic & fair? Do we need more clothes? A conversation with Thomas Winkler, founder of Apflbutzn, where fairly & sustainably produced clothing is offered.

#5: Zero waste in all areas of life

What does Zero Waste & Circular Economy mean? About that (and much more) with Verena Kassar, founder of The gram, The Decagram and the gram academy.

#4: Education without privilege

Severin Broucek on the current status of access to education in Austria, which visions make sense for our children's education & how we do it Teach for Austria can help!

#3: How the climate affects the psyche

A conversation with Anna Pribil from Psychologists for Future Austria about climate anxiety, what it does to the psyche and what concrete tips there are for those affected.

#2: Data Activism

An interview with David Jablonski, co-initiator of climatedashboard.at "We need common data because we need common truths”

#1: Revolutionize the food industry

Teresa Imre, founder of markta.at about fair payment for farmers, the world food market and how we deal with food