exchange of experiences

How do you innovate the innovation?

In our fast-moving age of digitalization, technological advances and sustainable practices are forcing us to adopt new ways of acting in innovation management. On this day, we invite you to an interactive exchange about the latest trends and developments in innovation work. Impulses on the topic 'Innovation in Innovation' come from Daniel Zapfl, CEO Lead Innovation and on the topic 'Exnovation – the neglected downside of innovation' by organizational developer Gudrun Töpfer, CEO WechselwerkWe cover everything from strategy to new paths for sustainable innovation.

Who should participate:

This event is aimed at all innovation managers who work on sustainable innovations and are looking for an open exchange with like-minded people, as well as at strategists who want to stay up to date on the topic of innovation work.

The speakers

Gudrun Töpfer

Organizational developer & CEO Wechselwerk
Head of Thinktank Ambidextrie

Daniel Zapfl

CEO Lead Innovation Management

How you find us

The venue is on the 4th floor of the Alte Villa building in Unicorn Graz. Bus stops 39 and 63 are located in the immediate vicinity of the building in Leechgasse. The stop is called Uni Mensa. The barrier-free entrance is on the south side of the building.



10:00 - 10:30
Welcome & Onboarding
10:30 - 12:00
Impulses, practical exercises & reflection
by and with Daniel Zapfl, Lead Innovation Management
12:15 - 12:45
Consolidation of results
12:45 - 13:45
13:45 - 15:30
Impulses, practical exercises & reflection
by and with Gudrun Töpfer, Wechselwerk
15:30 - 16:00
Consolidation of results
Networking or departure



Time of day

10:00 - 16:00


Conference deck, 4th floor
Schubertstrasse 6a, 8010 Graz


next incubator
Phone Number
+ 43 (0) 664 6160868
[email protected]

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